Friday, July 21, 2006

God's Puppy Mill

On the fourth of July, a guy who graduated High-School two years after I did saved a girl's life. How he accomplished this is by removing her from the car before a train turned it into scrap metal. This occured at 3:40 am, and the girl was speeding before she took out a sign, upon hitting the sign she gunned it and managed to get herself stuck on the tracks. He saw this event occur and as any good person would (yes, even me) he stopped and got out of his car and ran to her rescue. When he got up to the car she was bleeding from the head, while she was searching for her cell phone. All this while the cross arms had gone down and a train was bearing down on her. So I pose this question, if you were in the same situation as her what would you have done? You might say she was bleeding from the head, she was confused. Well, she had the cognotive ability to search for her cell phone, and assumed that she would have been able to utilize it. So therefore that leads me to believe she could probably should have seen the lights on the train coming at her, and hopefully processed that she needs to leave the vehicle, but no instead she was pulled from her car while searching for a cell phone.
You see puppy mills eliminate the ugly dogs that nobody wants and leaves us the cute adorable ones which grace the covers of greeting cards and such. My belief is earth is God's Puppy Mill except God doesn't go for looks, he leans more on intelligence, and survivability. I have nothing against the intellectually challenged, I believe they have just as much of a right to live as I do. I just don't want to place my life in their hands. And when you give a 16 year old teenager a license to drive a vehicle capable of massive bodily harm, you are essentially trusting they have the know how and common sense not to hurt anybody. Now when this person is perched in the path of a train and doesn't even attempt to get out. Then they were inable to protect their own life, let alone the lives of everyone else. Maybe two years from now, a family of four is driving down the highway. A happy family with two young children. An oncoming car going 75 miles and hour swerves erratically head on into this families vehicle. The family is killed and it is later discovered that this was the same girl saved on the fourth of July.
Bottom line, if you are incapable of making a decision which your fate is in the balance, especially one in which is as simple as vacating an automobile and getting out of the way, then maybe God wanted it that way. I know it's cruel and sickening to say the life of a 17 year old girl should have ended that night but there's a level of self preservation we all have and to totally lack that is a life or death situation is scary. I'm in the Army, I don't question what my actions will be when my life is on the line. And I sure as hell want the guy on either side of me to want to survive just as I do. If one of them stands up into incoming rounds, then obviously he doesn't have the survival instinct which is required to last. I sure as hell would pull him down, because he's human just as I am. But I am impeding God's Puppy Mill.


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