If I had 10,000 dollars
As amazing as this may be to those who experience my spending habits first hand, I have healthfully eclipsed 10,000 dollars in the old savings account. Well I decided that with my first 10,000 dollars I should follow Homer Simpon's advice. First of he claims," with 10,000 dollars we would be millionaires."b So you are currently reading the blog of a millionaire. Then he says "we can buy all sorts of things, like love." So I will use my 10,000 dollars to buy love. But it just so happens Amazon.com doesn't sell love. After toiling for hours I have decided that I can get all the "love" I want largely in part due to the first part of Homer Simpson's quote. If I go around claiming to be a millionaire I will get love... or lust either way a four letter word that starts with an L. As Tony Montano says in Scarface, "In this country, you gotta make the money first. Then when you get the money, you get the power. Then when you get the power, then you get the woman." So as a millionaire I have the money, now I'll have to get power. Once again Amazon.com failed to deliver the power I am searching for. Next I remembered another quote, this one from C.M. Burns. (Simpson's trillionaire) "What good is money if it can't inspire terror in your fellow man." Seeing as I can't inspire terror in my fellow man being a millionaire, and especially this coming from trillionaire C. Montgomery Burns I have decided I am no longer a millionaire. So now I have no money, no power, and no women. If there is a lesson in this it's that 10,000 dollars doesn't denote you a millionaire contrary to what the Simpson's claims. And if 10,000 doesn't inspire terror in my fellow man then I can't get a woman. Now I guess I'll buy myself some cheap porn and watch in a kiddy pool filled with one dollar bills.
Fleck you would be a lot closer to your goal if you quit spending 1000 a week at Amazon.
08 August, 2006
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